Generating Gcode

Revision as of 08:18, 7 August 2024 by Brian (talk | contribs)

Master Count - This is the outer loop. It defaults to 0 on the page but must be changed to a valid numerical number.

Inside the master counter there are 3 different inner-cycles. They correspond to the different blender times in nighthawkinlight's original blender recipe.

-- Note figure out how this is done ?? How does the mix time interplay with the pump time?

The mix time is the time the pigment mixes via the stirrer. After that is done, this is the pre-empty time is the amount the process waits until the drain pump is turned on.

Pigment decanting time - For each rinse/wash/settle/decant stage there is a period to allow the pigment to settle. That is specified here at 4 hours. The longer this is, the more of the finest pigment particles will be left in the final pigment.

Pump speed - This is the F argument in the gcode that specifies how fast the stepping motor turns. Too fast and it sticks. If the process sticks it means that either this value is too high or that there is caked up pigment in the lines which then clog up the pump.

The value in units/ml. This is done in the calibration phase.

Base amount of the Calcium Chloride - -- TODO ?? Why do we specify this here?? this should be reversed from the mixer volume and work backwards.