Member Meeting 29 November 2020

Revision as of 02:08, 30 November 2020 by RGR (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Our second "official" member meeting. Announced at previous meeting. Present: - CoffeeIV - Trowles - Mr. Resistor - Nooj - Albatross Hotel (taking minutes) Agenda: -...")
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Our second "official" member meeting. Announced at previous meeting.


- CoffeeIV
- Trowles
- Mr. Resistor
- Nooj
- Albatross Hotel (taking minutes)


- Accept previous member meeting minutes - yes.
- Blog 
- Helios voting
- Mr. Resistor: Propose improved self-hosted server architecture


- CoffeeIV: Doc on Voting Procedure
- CoffeeIV: Helios setup with Gmail
- Mr. Resistor: Proposal for better servers

Helios Voting:

- Start using Helios as is: with Gmail
- Prioritize moving to self-hosted

Motions & Votes:

- Authorize CoffeeIV to purchase 3 server boxes as described by Mr. Resistor.

Note: Nooj brought pizza, was much appreciated.

First item on the agenda was a review of the previous member meeting minutes which were accepted unanimously.

Next, a discussion of the Helious voting system and options to self-host. It was agreed to beging using Helios as-is and prioritize self-hosting as a future option when our own servers became available.

Mr. Resistor brought up the issue of our current servers not being robust enough for our needs and suggested an improved system which he will post up on the list/Telegram for further review.

Mr. Resistor described the proposed server hardware and costs (about $157 per server), specs: 16g RAM, 500g SSD, i5 processor. Motion to authorize CoffeeIV to purchase ( to be within 20% of the amount) the described hardware put up to a vote, approved unanimously.

Next Meeting: Sunday Dec 6, 2020.

Meeting adjourned.