Member Meeting 20 December 2020

Revision as of 00:21, 21 December 2020 by RGR (talk | contribs)


  • Pick a date for a shelf-moving work day or multiple sessions
  • Pick next meeting - avoid conflicting with Flight meetup ?


  • CoffeeIV
  • Trowles
  • Reynolds
  • Font
  • Rick
  • T. Trout

There is a flight meetup being hosted by Reynolds on zoom next Dec 27th at 7pm; rather than squeeze the next meeting around that, we agreed unanimously to meet on Jan 3d 6 pm, as not much will be happening over the Holidays.

We will meet next Saturday the 26th at 1pm for a small work session re-arranging shelving downstairs.

T. Trout asks the group for some advice related to real estate matters.